thoughts have compelled me to write something, which might seem controversial in some eyes-minds...and then again what isn't?
what would one think if the headline states: i "support" global warming.
"support" in quotationmarks of course for closer observation.
it is a heavy statement, but explained in simple logic and words it could and should make sense.
we are aware of what is going to happen, if ....oh well if...is there even is an -if-?
it has already begun, seemingly since the arrival of the modern western homo erectus (sapien).
but before talking too much i get straight to the point.
if the already familiar sound of the words -global warming- will find its manifastation full scaled so to speak we will see a lot of confirmation, of what we have done and "accomplished" sofar.
with a portion of logical thinking and concluding , a visual will find its way to the eyes of the mind.
i replace the words global warming with the following:
cause and effect- we are responsible for what we have done to each other and our home until now. one confirmation of our achievement is what global warming will become.
maybe it is what we need to realize how unable we were (on purpose)to progress.
and we still are......
the saddest part of it all is ,that we are aware of it.
how many times have we been here before, how many times....?
...and have run into the same difficulties again and again and....
i can only speak for my generation, with perhaps a broader understanding and wish for us to finally take a look at ourself and perceive things the way they are and that we are just a part of it all and not the other way around.
therefore i "support" global warming...that maybe a few will survive with the "gained" knowledge, which we carried around with us far too long locked up in our heads.
let us make progress....
ak, 23.11.07 10.12 pm
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"If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees."
-kahlil gibran
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